Welcome back to Cooking with Ally!
Today I will be giving you a healthy recipe. I love eating these and, they are a very good snack! Thank you so much Ellie, for helping me make these for this post!
To me, it tastes a little like popcorn. So if you like popcorn and/or healthy eating, stay tuned!
Kale Chips
- Kale (any amount)
- A drizzle or two of olive oil
- Salt, to taste
- Special/extra seasoning (if desired)
- Preheat the oven to 350℉.
- Rip or cut up some chip-sized kale. Place them on a tinfoil lined cookie sheet.
- Drizzle the olive oil onto your kale. Sprinkle salt and extra seasoning (if desired) onto your kale.
- Toss the kale, oil and seasonings around in the cookie sheet.
- Put your kale in the oven and let it name for 10-15 minutes, checking on it every so often.
- Once crispy, take out of the oven. Let cool down for a few minutes and you're done!